Yoga India Foundation

Our Latest Yoga Posts

Emotional Healing Session

How yoga can assist with Managing your Emotions

Yoga has many benefits including physically, mentally and spiritually. Yoga is not just about
any one pose, it is about many postures (asanas), breathing (pranayama), meditation,
cleansing (shatkarma) and so much more. My essay will be on how yoga can help you to
manage your emotions. Why you ask? It is important to have control of your body, you have
to be conscious of all your senses, your mind and your body inside and out. You need to
have an understanding of emotions and when and how they affect you. You should feel
emotions through not holding them back, however you should not let the emotions take
control of you either. You need to manage them, and yoga practice can help you do this.

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How Do I Become a Yoga Teacher, Yoga Teacher Training in India

How Do I Become a Yoga Teacher?

Yoga bring harmony and peace into our lives. Integrating a yogic lifestyle into the everyday routine and even turning yoga into a career is a dream of many yoga practitioners. But How Do I Become A Yoga Teacher? What are the necessary steps to take and how can I get an international license?

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beautiful yoga

Why You Should Join a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2019

The New Year of 2019 has begun and most of us made some New Year Resolutions, right? Starting a new year gives us a chance to write down a few goals that we like to pursue or achieve. Of course, we can do that at any moment and don’t need the New Year for that, but still, it has been a tradition or ritual for most of us for many years.

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Christmas stress and yoga

How to Survive Crazy Christmas Stress with Yoga

Are you in a hurry? Only a few days left until Christmas, and life seems to be so crazy and fast-paced.

While some of us run from one shop to another to get all presents, others are busy squeezing in some more meetings, business lunches and Christmas parties.

Yes, it’s crazy. Especially of you think that the yearly Christmas hussle costs more than billions in America alone.

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yoga teacher training in india

How My Yoga Teacher Training in India has Helped me to Find Inner Peace

A short intro about myself: I’m Lisa. 26 years old. From Lyon, France. Studied something with culture and management. Introvert yet quite outgoing. My nine-to-five-job almost killed me.

After my studiesgned my first working contract at a cultural centre in Paris. The work was fine in the beginning, but the repetitive and unmoti, I sivating atmosphere had a big impact on me. I thought that “this was it” and that I will be doing this kind of work my entire adult life.

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Having an empowered birth with yoga

How Yoga Can Help you to Have an Empowered Birth

Yoga is a lifestyle and practice that can help any woman have an empowered birth experience. By living a yoga lifestyle, the body and mind are prepared for one of the most important and exciting times in a woman’s life. As a birth worker, I gained an interest in yoga when I learned about prenatal yoga at a local studio. I began my personal yoga practice with a goal to better help my clients and friends with their birthing experiences, and I have found that yoga can be a great tool in achieving a wonderful birth!

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transformation and balance

How Yoga Can Help you to Experience Transformation and Balance

In this essay I’ll try to point out few important things that you should know about transformation which could be experienced through yoga. Why it is important? Because nowadays everyone is seeking for some kind of transformation and I think
people alwas did. Because it looks like the people are never happy with what they have, they still want something different.

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Rishikesh Nature Places

Der Rishikesh Guide – Was du unbedingt erleben solltest

Rishikesh, auch die heilige Stadt gennant, ist ein Ort voller Magie,  Spiritualitaet und Wunder.
Waehrend meiner Yogalehrer Ausbildung bei der Yoga India Foundation, habe ich nicht nur unendlich viel ueber Yoga und mich selbst gelernt, sondern auch Umgebung, Leute und Kultur kennenlernen duerfen.
Falls du auch bald nach Rishikesh reist, du wirst auf jeden Fall eine wundervolle Zeit in Rishikesh haben und wahrscheinlich jede Menge coole Orte selbst entdecken.

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Poornna Bhujangasana

How Yoga Can Help You To Feel Grounded

Literally translated from Sanskrit, the word means ‘connection’. One of the texts most widely associated with yoga is Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (compiled around the time of the 5 th century). Therein Patanjali defines yoga as a method by which the seeker can learn to control the power of their own thoughts in order to understand and connect with their true self.

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What is Yoga and Meditation really about?

What is Yoga and Meditation really about?

In the western world, yoga is rather known for its physical practice. Practising asanas helps getting to know your own body better and improves your strength and flexibility. Also it improves the concentration and relaxes. Doing a yoga teacher training in India, I got to know so much more about yoga: yoga philosophy, Ayurveda, anatomy, Shatkarma, pranayama and meditation. The yoga philosophy teaches how to be a better yogi

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non-duality of your mind and yoga

How Yoga Can Help You Understand the Non-Duality of Your Mind and Body

Dualism refers to two entities (e.g. mind and body) which are in opposition and are separate to each other in some essential, irrevocable way. “‘Non-duality’ is a translation of the Sanskrit word ‘Advaita’, which simply means ‘not two’ and points to the opposite of duality: an essential oneness, wholeness, completeness and unity).

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yoga as natural anti-depressant

Gaining a Positive Mind-Set- Yoga as Natural Anti-Depressant

Many people in our world today struggle daily with the looming dark clouds of depression. The World Health Organization reports that more than 300 million people suffer from depression across the globe. With an estimated $17 billion USD growth projection over the next two years (according to the New York Times) the pharmaceutical antidepressant industry continues to grow exponentially

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