How to Live a More Peaceful and Joyful Life
If you are looking to find a way of living a more peaceful and joyful life, you are not the only one. In each one of us, there is the desire to experience joy and peace.
If you are looking to find a way of living a more peaceful and joyful life, you are not the only one. In each one of us, there is the desire to experience joy and peace.
Mayurasana is also known as the Peacock Pose. It counts as an advanced asana. It is very easy to fall forward in the final position and crush the nose on the floor. So be careful and, if necessary, place a small cushion on the floor under the face.
Joining a 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in India can be one of the most life-shifting experiences ever. It’s an experience that will leave you with long-lasting benefits. If you completed such a Yoga Alliance registered 200 Hours YTTC, you might ask yourself: What should I do next?
Have you heard of Karma Yoga? In Sanskrit karma means action. More accurately, it refers to‚ selfless actions‘. Karma Yoga is the path of selflessness where one serves to all without thinking of gaining personal benefits. You must have experienced a situation where you do something nice for someone. Even though you didn’t get anything materialistic back that moment, you might have felt a great sense of joy, love or oneness.
Padma means Lotus and Parvat stands for Mountain. Padma Parvatasana is a variation of the Lotus Pose or Padmasana. It offers similar benefits.
The words Adho Mukha Svanasana come from the Sankrit. Adho means Downward, mukha stands for facing and Svan means dog. The Downward-facing Dog Posture is also known as Down Dog.
One Foot Pose or Eka Padasana improves overall balance and strength in the legs, spine and arms. The word Eka means one and Pad stands for foot.
Goodbye 2017 and hello 2018! We wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that all your dreams will come true! How did you celebrate New Year’s Eve?
Insomnia is considered as a sleeping disorder. If you find it difficult to fall asleep at night or stay asleep, you might suffer from Insomnia. Persistent sleeplessness is known as chronic insomnia.
Sarvangasana is also known as Shoulder Stand Pose. It counts as an inverted pose that aims to tranquillize the mind and release emotional stress.
Many of us travel to sunny European countries like Spain and Greece in order to participate in rejuvenating yoga retreats. However there is a huge difference between those destinations and learning yoga India.
Majari Asana comes from the Sanskrit and means Cat Stretch Pose. The Cat Stretch pose is very beneficial if you want to increase your spinal flexibility. By curving the spine, you can release tension from your back and balance your nervous system.