Yoga India Foundation

New Year 2020 – Add Yoga to the Top of your Resolution List

New Year 2020 – Add Yoga to the Top of your Resolution List

Goodbye 2019 and hello 2020! We wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that all your dreams will come true! How did you celebrate New Year’s Eve?

Very common amongst most of us is to make New Year resolutions. We intend to eat healthier, lose weight or avoid alcohol and smoking.

And have you set any intentions for 2020?

Getting into your daily yoga practice should definitely be the number ONE on your resolution list!

Joining Yoga Teacher Training India will bring you closer to all your set goals in 2020.

Yoga Teacher Training India

A Yoga Teacher Training in India stands for a complex and comprehensive yoga course over four weeks. You don’t necessarily need to teach yoga afterwards. The key essence of a Yoga Teacher Training India is to deepen your yoga practice, grow personally and remove negativities and fears from your life. Practising yoga, meditation and other yogic elements for 8 to 10 hours a day will transform your body, mind and life completely. Remember: A Yoga Teacher Training India requires much willpower, patience and surrender.

Yoga for ultimate balance and grounding

We are all familiar with stressful jobs, loneliness and emotional imbalance. As the cold season progresses, the overall energy seems to be quite low. Practising yoga can lift up your mood and well-being instantly. Through regular asana and breathing practises, you can say goodbye to emotional roller-coasters. Yoga helps you to feel grounded, stable and balanced.

Yoga for weight loss

Are you trying to lose weight for many months already? Following special diets or products won’t help you in the long term. In a Yoga Teacher Training India, you will be taught: „eat to live and don’t live to eat“. As you progress in your yoga practice, you will begin to actually listen to your body’s needs. Once you connect your body with your mind, you will automatically cut out processed, oily and sugary foods. You will be surprised how much weight you can lose without thinking about it.

Yoga for a healthy lifestyle

Yoga improves our health. Each asana and pranayama technique offers various physical, mental and spiritual benefits. In Yoga Teacher Training India, you will learn about all body systems in depth. As we balance our nervous system, we are less prone to stress. As we balance our digestive system, we feel lighter and more awake. In yoga, we aim to balance all body systems so that they can work in harmony with each other. This is called optimum health. If one system is sick, all other systems will be affected as well.

To learn yoga and meditation on a deeper level and live in a real yogic ashram environment, you are cordially invited to join our Yoga Teacher Training Programs in India.