Yoga India Foundation

Our Latest Yoga Posts

fire ceremony

How Hawans or Fire Ceremonies with Ayurvedic can purify the Energy and Environment

According to Atharva Veda (9.15.14), all creatures including nature in the limitless universe are said to have generated from a grand eternal Yajna(Yagya) i.e. Hawan or Fire ceremony.  In the Atharva veda, yagya (havan, agnihotra i.e. Fire Ceremony) is the fundamental process of manifestation of all creatures. Yagya or Hawan is an ancient process of fire ceremony in which the harbal things are sacrificed in holy fire with the purpose of utilizing the subtle properties of sacrificed matter with the help of the thermal energy and sound energy of mantras. Today’s scientific research has also approved the significant potential of yagya in purification of our internal energy and our environment.

If we summarize, Yagya is a process of selfless sacrifice for noble purposes. It means yagya encourages us to give or

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Fertility Yoga Teacher Training in India

Fertility Yoga: An Alternative Path to Parenthood

Giving birth to live on the planet is the most divine experience in a woman’s life. But not every woman will be able to get this experience easily. If you are facing an infertility challenge as a woman or couple, then you are not alone. There has been a significant increase in the number of couples who are seeking counseling and treatment for infertility challenges. Around 8% to 12% of couples all over the world are facing infertility challenges due to their genetic, psychological, anatomical, endocrinological or immunological issues that affect the reproductive health of both – men and women.
The rate of infertility varies as per countries and regions based on the predominant of disease leading to infertility. The possible reasons for infertility rising are:

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Fertility Yoga Teacher Training

Should I (RYT-200) Upgrade to An Advanced Yoga Teacher Training?

According to an estimate survey conducted in 2016, more than 100,000 yogis have been
approaching the 200 hours yoga teacher training course all over the world. It is the most
common certification offered by registered yoga schools nowadays. The 200 hours yoga
teacher training course covers the fundamental yoga anatomy, philosophy, alignment and
asana practice.

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Online Yoga Teacher Training

The Yogi Winter Survival Guide – Avoid, Eat, Practise & Love

Winter is here and so is the cold and dark time of the year. If you are living in a tropical country, this might not be the case for you, but many of us do go through this tricky yet beautiful time of the year. Winter is the season of cosiness, snow, Christmas, heating spices, biscuits and sleep ins.

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300 Stunden Yogalehrer Ausbildung

Was sind die Vorteile einer 300 Stunden Yogalehrer Ausbildung?

Yoga schenkt uns nicht nur die nötige Ruhe im Alltag sondern lässt und auch physisch und mental stärker werden. Als Yogalehrer(In) machst du deine Leidenschaft zum Beruf und bist Vorbild für viele. Was könnte es schöneres geben, als Menschen zu zeigen, wie sie gesunde Entscheidungen treffen können? Deinen Schülern zu mehr Ausgeglichenheit zu verhelfen und zu beobachten wie sie am Ende der Stunde in Shavasana komplett abschalten, ist ein wundervolles Gefühl, oder?

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Yoga Teacher Training

How a Yoga Teacher Training Can Help You to make a change in 2020

Review yourself. When was the last time that you experience the complete transformation of yourself including body, mind and soul? When you commit yourself to achieve a specific goal, you work hard and experience a complete transformation according to the desired goal of your life.  

Similarly, when you think of Yoga teacher training, it encourages you to look at the pattern that is not the realm of your ultimate life. Yoga teacher training, it focuses on goal setting but it is not all about chasing a goal rather it is like transformation of yourself – your lifestyle, your vision and your inner being. 

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200 hour yoga teacher training course in India

How Yoga Can Help With Burnout

There’s no doubt that our minds are overstimulated and constantly on the go in today’s world, leaving us feeling stressed, anxious and depressed. Before I set out on my yoga teacher training journey, I was working flat-out in advertising, constantly feeling tired and exercise was the last thing on my to-do list. I felt completely overwhelmed and unable to cope with not just my job, but my life outside of work too. I was binge drinking on weekends and in a bad cycle of ‘work hard and party harder’ that I didn’t want to be in. My energy, confidence and will to do anything, other than Netflix and chill, was out the window. My physical and psychological health was at an all-time low- and I knew it because I actually noticed it.

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Finde deinen einzigartigen Weg mit Yoga

Finde deinen einzigartigen Weg mit Yoga

Manchmal passiert es im Leben, dass man sich in einem oder mehreren Lebensbereich(en) nicht wohl fühlt und es sich einfach nicht richtig anfühlt.
Wenn du dich manchmal fragst, was du wirklich willst oder wie du das Leben führen kannst, das dich erfüllt und glücklich macht, empfehle ich dir dich mit Yoga, Achtsamkeit, Kraft der Gedanken und Neurowissenschaften auseinander zu setzen.

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Best Yoga School India

How to Select the Best Yoga School for your Yoga Teacher Training

While most people think that yoga means creating harmony and peace within body, mind and soul, it actually means “Chitta Vritti Nirodah”.
Translated from the Sanskrit, yoga is “Controlling the Fluctuations of the Mind”.
The countless benefits of yoga lead to a more peaceful, healthy and happy life. If you are interested to learn more deeply about yoga and understand the alignment, anatomy and philosophy of yoga as well, you must have been looking into doing a yoga teacher training.

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How Yoga Can Promote Emotional Balance

How Yoga Can Promote Emotional Balance

When I first started practicing yoga, I thought it would help me lose weight and become a little more flexible. As I delved deeper into the practice, I saw that those were quite superficial aims and yoga offered much deeper and profound benefits. In this paper, I will focus on emotional balance. I will take a brief look at what yoga is, describe some helpful asanas, pranayama and meditation techniques, and then finish with a touch on nutrition.

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Yoga teacher Training in India

What Are the Benefits of Becoming a Yoga Teacher?

If you love yoga as much as I do, you must have considered turning this valuable lifestyle and art of living peacefully into a career. Becoming a yoga teacher has been on my mind for a long time before I actually committed. It took some time to manifest my dream as it felt scary and overwhelming at first. Now, looking back, I understand that it had to be like this so I could jump over my personal barriers and break through something that didn’t suit my nature. In this post, I will share a few insights of becoming a yoga teacher with you that focuses on all the amazing benefits that this job brings along. Get a cup of tea and enjoy reading…????

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Exciting News from
Yoga India Foundation!

Stressbewältigung im Alltag
mit Yoga und Meditation

We are thrilled to share that one of our beloved teachers Bipin Ji—the heart of Yoga India Foundation—has just published his first book! 🎉