Tolangulasana – Weighing Scale Pose: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you ready to dive into Tolangulasana, also known as the Weighing Scale Pose? If you’ve been searching for a challenging and rewarding asana to elevate your yoga practice, Tolangulasana
Are you ready to dive into Tolangulasana, also known as the Weighing Scale Pose? If you’ve been searching for a challenging and rewarding asana to elevate your yoga practice, Tolangulasana
Yoga is a holistic practice that encompasses physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It’s known for its numerous health benefits, including stress reduction, improved flexibility, and enhanced overall well-being. Interestingly,
Many women today experience menstrual cramps, pain, absent menstruations, and reproductive issues like endometriosis and PCOS. According to yoga and Ayurveda, these problems are not normal and can be naturally
Are you considering taking your yoga practice to the next level and completing a 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India? In this article, we explore for you the multitude of
Pada Sanchalanasana, or Leg Cycling, is a dynamic yoga pose from the Hatha Yoga Pawanmuktasana series that brings vitality to your practice. In Sanskrit, “Pada” means leg, and “Sanchalanasana” translates
Die Entscheidung, eine Yogalehrer Ausbildung in Indien oder Deutschland zu machen, ist eine tiefgreifende Reise der Selbsterkenntnis und persönlichen Entwicklung. Stehst du vor der Wahl, wo du deine Ausbildung absolvieren möchtest,
Halasana or Plough Pose massages all the internal organs, activates digestion and improves liver and kidney function.
Ideally, you should practise this posture after Sarvangasana.
Sarpasana or Snake Pose has similar effects to Bhujangasana. In addition, Sarpasana helps to correct the posture and has a profound strengthening effect on the back muscles.
Poorna Bhunjangasana or Full Cobra Pose aims to keep the spine supple and healthy. On a pranic level, this asana has a strong effect on all the organs related to swadhisthana, manipura, anahata and vishuddhi chakras.
Astavakrasana is dedicated to Sage Astavakra, the spiritual preceptor of King Janaka of Mithila. Astavakra counts as an advanced asana and aims to awaken manipura chakra.
Mayurasana is also known as the Peacock Pose. It counts as an advanced asana. It is very easy to fall forward in the final position and crush the nose on the floor. So be careful and, if necessary, place a small cushion on the floor under the face.
Padma means Lotus and Parvat stands for Mountain. Padma Parvatasana is a variation of the Lotus Pose or Padmasana. It offers similar benefits.