Yoga India Foundation

Category: Yogalehrer Ausbildung in Indien

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Christmas stress and yoga

How to Survive Crazy Christmas Stress with Yoga

Are you in a hurry? Only a few days left until Christmas, and life seems to be so crazy and fast-paced.

While some of us run from one shop to another to get all presents, others are busy squeezing in some more meetings, business lunches and Christmas parties.

Yes, it’s crazy. Especially of you think that the yearly Christmas hussle costs more than billions in America alone.

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yoga teacher training in india

How My Yoga Teacher Training in India has Helped me to Find Inner Peace

A short intro about myself: I’m Lisa. 26 years old. From Lyon, France. Studied something with culture and management. Introvert yet quite outgoing. My nine-to-five-job almost killed me.

After my studiesgned my first working contract at a cultural centre in Paris. The work was fine in the beginning, but the repetitive and unmoti, I sivating atmosphere had a big impact on me. I thought that “this was it” and that I will be doing this kind of work my entire adult life.

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non-duality of your mind and yoga

How Yoga Can Help You Understand the Non-Duality of Your Mind and Body

Dualism refers to two entities (e.g. mind and body) which are in opposition and are separate to each other in some essential, irrevocable way. “‘Non-duality’ is a translation of the Sanskrit word ‘Advaita’, which simply means ‘not two’ and points to the opposite of duality: an essential oneness, wholeness, completeness and unity).

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yoga and digestive disorders

Yoga For Digestive Disorders – How Can Yoga Help

In today’s world, whilst managing the work and the personal life, we do not really think
much about our eating habits or eating schedule. Due to which the majority of people go through
digestive disorders like Constipation, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Gallstones, Ulcerative
Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, etc.

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peace and joy yoga india foundation, yoga ttc in india

Anxiety and Yoga

Yoga is a moving meditation allowing us to find stillness of the mind. Our stream of consciousness is constantly jolting from one thought to another initiating moments of fear, anxiety, and stress. If you are faced with daily bouts of anxiety and stress, a regular practice of pranayama, asana and meditation may help to calm the mind and soothe moments of negative thought processes and tendencies towards catastrophic thinking.

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