Yoga India Foundation

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The core of all modern yoga forms: Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga was introduced more than 5000 years ago in the ancient yogic texts called Vedas.
The word Hatha comes from Ha which means Sun and Tha which means Moon. Hatha yoga connects
energizing movements (sun) with relaxing postures (moon) to receive the most harmonizing and
balancing effects.

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YOGA Before bedtime

Why Your Bedtime is Important for Your Yoga Sessions

Yoga has been proven to be beneficial for a wide variety of health concerns, explains Dr. Marilynn Wei of Harvard Health Publishing. One important benefit of yoga is that it is one of the gentlest and most restorative activities to end your day and prepare you for sleep.

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The Power of Transformation Meditation

My personal experience: The Power of Transformation As humans living in a world where technology, social pressures and a fast pace of life have become a normal way of living, we do not spend enough time focussing on ourselves and our inner peace and happiness.

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