Yoga India Foundation

Tag: pranayama

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How Yoga Can Promote Emotional Balance

How Yoga Can Promote Emotional Balance

When I first started practicing yoga, I thought it would help me lose weight and become a little more flexible. As I delved deeper into the practice, I saw that those were quite superficial aims and yoga offered much deeper and profound benefits. In this paper, I will focus on emotional balance. I will take a brief look at what yoga is, describe some helpful asanas, pranayama and meditation techniques, and then finish with a touch on nutrition.

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feeling grounded with yoga

How Yoga can help you feel more grounded in everyday life

The word „Yoga“ is derived from the Sanskrit root „Yuj“, meaning to join, to unite.
It is a system of breathing exercises, physical and spiritual disciplines, all originally designed to
bring the yogi to samadhi – the state of enlightenment.
As yoga offers a holistic approach to life, its teachings can be very valuable to modern society.
In ordinary western school you do not learn what to do if you feel fear, anger or frustration. You do
not understand what they are or where they come from. You do not know what it is to eat really
healthy. You do not learn what it means to keep your body in good shape and physical health and
why that also is important for your mental wellbeing

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Clavicular Breathing

What is Clavicular Breathing in Pranayama?

Clavicular breathing is the final stage of total ribcage expansion. It occurs after the thoracic inhalation has been completed. In order to absorb a little more air into the lungs, the upper ribs and the collar bone are pulled upwards by the muscles of the neck, throat and sternum.

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Pranayama Vital Energy

Why Pranayama is Much More Than What You Think It Is

Pranayama is generally defined as breath control. Although this interpretation may seem correct in view of the practices involved, it does not convey the full meaning of the term. The word pranayama is comprised if two roots: prana and ayama. Prana stands for vital energy or life force.

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transformation and balance

How Yoga Can Help you to Experience Transformation and Balance

In this essay I’ll try to point out few important things that you should know about transformation which could be experienced through yoga. Why it is important? Because nowadays everyone is seeking for some kind of transformation and I think
people alwas did. Because it looks like the people are never happy with what they have, they still want something different.

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non-duality of your mind and yoga

How Yoga Can Help You Understand the Non-Duality of Your Mind and Body

Dualism refers to two entities (e.g. mind and body) which are in opposition and are separate to each other in some essential, irrevocable way. “‘Non-duality’ is a translation of the Sanskrit word ‘Advaita’, which simply means ‘not two’ and points to the opposite of duality: an essential oneness, wholeness, completeness and unity).

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yoga and digestive disorders

Yoga For Digestive Disorders – How Can Yoga Help

In today’s world, whilst managing the work and the personal life, we do not really think
much about our eating habits or eating schedule. Due to which the majority of people go through
digestive disorders like Constipation, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Gallstones, Ulcerative
Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, etc.

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