Yoga India Foundation

Tag: 200 hour yoga teacher training

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Why You Should Join a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2019

The New Year of 2019 has begun and most of us made some New Year Resolutions, right? Starting a new year gives us a chance to write down a few goals that we like to pursue or achieve. Of course, we can do that at any moment and don’t need the New Year for that, but still, it has been a tradition or ritual for most of us for many years.

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What Should you Do After Completing Your 200 Hour YTT?

Joining a 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in India can be one of the most life-shifting experiences ever. It’s an experience that will leave you with long-lasting benefits. If you completed such a Yoga Alliance registered 200 Hours YTTC, you might ask yourself: What should I do next?

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The core of all modern yoga forms: Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga was introduced more than 5000 years ago in the ancient yogic texts called Vedas.
The word Hatha comes from Ha which means Sun and Tha which means Moon. Hatha yoga connects
energizing movements (sun) with relaxing postures (moon) to receive the most harmonizing and
balancing effects.

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