Yoga India Foundation

Tag: 200 hour online yoga teacher training

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Online Yoga Teacher Training courses

The 5 Best Online Yoga Teacher Training Courses Worldwide

Are you looking to deepen your yoga practice and thinking of doing your yoga teacher training online? Now many schools have opened up new possibilities of learning and the Online Yoga Teacher Training has become much more popular. Especially now during and after the global corona crisis, learning online brings many benefits. You can avoid international travel, reduce the risk of getting sick and use your time efficiently. Learning new skills and gaining profound knowledge can open the doors for you in many ways. Yoga as the Science of creating unity and controlling the fluctuations of the mind is one of the most life-changing and empowering paths. While implementing inner balance and strength, you can learn teach others to do the same.

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Exciting News from
Yoga India Foundation!

Stressbewältigung im Alltag
mit Yoga und Meditation

We are thrilled to share that one of our beloved teachers Bipin Ji—the heart of Yoga India Foundation—has just published his first book! 🎉