Yoga India Foundation

Category: Yoga Teacher

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Best Yoga School India

How to Select the Best Yoga School for your Yoga Teacher Training

While most people think that yoga means creating harmony and peace within body, mind and soul, it actually means “Chitta Vritti Nirodah”.
Translated from the Sanskrit, yoga is “Controlling the Fluctuations of the Mind”.
The countless benefits of yoga lead to a more peaceful, healthy and happy life. If you are interested to learn more deeply about yoga and understand the alignment, anatomy and philosophy of yoga as well, you must have been looking into doing a yoga teacher training.

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Release Physical and Mental Tension through Yoga

How Yoga Can Release Physical and Mental Tension

Mental and physical tension is something that affects most people in their everyday life. What many people don’t understand is that through the practice of yoga, you are able to release these tensions and in return, live a happier, healthier, longer and more productive life. I personally have found the benefits of yoga and the release of mental and physical tension these past two years after using yoga as a way to help overcome anxiety that I struggled with in the past.

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Yoga Teacher

The Ethics of A Yoga Teacher – How To Make Your Yoga Teacher Life Easier

An important part of our yoga teacher training programs are the ethics of a yoga teacher. It’s our primary aim to pass on the values of a yoga teacher and encourage our students to teach spontaneously with authenticity. Hence, we provide diverse, challenging and motivating classes with modifications, explanations and interaction. The ethics of a yoga teacher are the key towards a prosperous path in the field of yoga. But what are the ethics of a yoga teacher exactly besides the basic yamas and niyamas?

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Yoga Teacher Training

Leading With Your Heart: How to Inspire Others While Doing What You Love

Life is beautiful, unpredictable and wild. While we cannot control every aspect of our personal life, one thing is for sure: you never know what happens next and which challenge life throws at you next.

While some people fight these wonderful opportunities to grow, other completely surrender and use every moment as option to evolve and learn. Which one are you?

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