Yoga India Foundation

Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose)– Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose)– Benefits, Adjustment & Cautions

Titibhasana or Firefly Pose is an arm-balancing posture that requires a lot of strength, both arms and core strength. It counts as an advanced yoga asana and aims to improve the overall sense of balance. As Tittibhasana puts a lot of weights and pressure onto the wrists, it is recommended to warm up your wrists, arms, and shoulder prior to the final attempt. In traditional Hatha Yoga, such as warm-up is called Pawanmuktasana. It encourages the flexibility and mobility of joints and muscles and helps you to release subtle energy blockages. Translated from the Sanskrit, Pawanmuktasana means Energy or Vata (wind) releasing postures prior to main practice.


  1. Separate your feet shoulder wide apart
  2. Bring your pelvis forward
  3. Bring your trunk between your legs
  4. Put your left upper arm and shoulder underneath the back of your left thigh
  5. Your hand should be on the floor at the outside edge of your foot
  6. Do the same on the other side
  7. Now lift yourself off the ground and find the balance here
  8. Stretch your legs out to the sides and keep them straight
  9. Straighten your arms
  10. Try to gaze forward and breathe slowly

Benefits of Firefly Pose or Tittibhasana:

  • Tones the belly
  • Stretches the groins and torso
  • Gives strength to the arms and shoulders
  • Overall balance is increased
  • Mental balance is gained

Cautions of Tittibhasana, the Firefly Pose:

Please avoid this posture if you have any wrist, shoulder, or lower back injuries. It is also not advised to practice Tittibhasana during Pregnancy or post-surgery. People with low blood pressure should avoid this pose as well.

Expand your Practice, learn about the ancient Science of Yoga:

To be sure that you practice an asana correctly, we recommend learning yoga with an experienced teacher. It is great to practice yoga at home as well, but you should be aware that there are many things to keep in mind especially in terms of alignment and adjustments. Only with qualified teachers, you can expand your practice and understand the roots of yoga. In yoga, the teachings are always passed on from teacher (guru) to student.

At Yoga India Foundation, we offer Yoga Alliance registered Yoga Teacher Training courses that provide you with an overall understanding and more advanced practice of yoga. Even if you are not intending to teach yoga, such training can open many doors to a happier, healthier, and more conscious life.

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