Yoga India Foundation

Leading With Your Heart: How to Inspire Others While Doing What You Love

Life is beautiful, unpredictable, and wild with full of love or fear. While we cannot control every aspect of our personal life, one thing is for sure: you never know what happens next and which challenge life throws at you next.

While some people fight these wonderful opportunities to grow, others completely surrender and use every moment as an option to evolve and learn. Which one are you?

Do you choose love or fear?

In a world where money and fame rule, it’s hard to step up and find your true authenticity. Yoga brings enormous joy and the concentration to listen within.

If you are already on the path of yoga, you will totally understand that yoga is good for the mind, body, and soul. It can help you to live as an example or role model.

Have you experienced that your friends or even random people come to you for advice?

Yoga practitioners radiate calmness and offer space for others to open up to.

If you are thinking to begin your career as a yoga teacher, know that others will follow you.

You need to be sure to live your true values and to always lead with your heart.

When you do what you love, people will find joy in joining in.

Here are the top 5 Tipps on how to inspire others:

  1. Speak your own truth
  2. Act Wisely from your personal experience
  3. Listen to others
  4. Create Space for others, but don’t forget your own space
  5. Continue your own practice alone

Beginning your career as a yoga teacher

To legally work as a yoga teacher, you have to do an educational program that covers a minimum of 200 Hours of Yoga Training.  You can choose between a 200 or 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in the beginning. Such training will cover a minimum of 86 practice hours where you can fine-tune your asanas and learn all about the right alignment, adjustment, and precautions.

Studying yoga in an inspiring and open-minded environment encourages you to connect to yourself and others more deeply. Being away from your usual comfort zone invites you to let go, obtain new skills and perspectives.

While doing what you love (YOGA), you automatically begin to inspire others. Once you connect with your heart and listen to it, you will be surprised how many people find joy in being around you and learning from you.

Exciting News from
Yoga India Foundation!

Stressbewältigung im Alltag
mit Yoga und Meditation

We are thrilled to share that one of our beloved teachers Bipin Ji—the heart of Yoga India Foundation—has just published his first book! 🎉