Yoga India Foundation

Fertility Yoga: An Alternative Path to Parenthood

Giving birth to live on the planet is the most divine experience in a woman’s life. But not every woman will be able to get this experience easily. If you are facing an infertility challenge as a woman or couple, then you are not alone. There has been a significant increase in the number of couples who are seeking counseling and treatment for infertility challenges. Around 8% to 12% of couples all over the world are facing infertility challenges due to their genetic, psychological, anatomical, endocrinological, or immunological issues that affect the reproductive health of both – men and women.

The rate of infertility varies as per countries and regions based on the predominant disease leading to infertility. The possible reasons for infertility rising are:

  • Age Factor: The Fertility rate is high in women between 20 and 25 age and diminishes around the age of 35 years.

  • Under/Over Weight: Too much underweight or overweight can impact on women’s fertility and interrupt her ovulation cycle.

  • Unhealthy Lifestyle: Insecurity, anxiety, stress, exhaustion due to irregular and insufficient sleep can highly impact women’s fertility.

  • Hormonal Imbalance – Affecting poly-cystic ovary syndrome (POS) hormonal imbalance as it is one of the main causes of female infertility.

  • High competitive & stressful physical activity – Professional sports, Heavy weight lifting, and other heavy work at home.

  • Usage of certain medicine’s most notable antidepressants and migraine medication

  • Abuse of alcohol or drugs- leading to changes in the endocrine system and accumulation of toxins 

  • Genetic mutations, blood clotting disorders, chronic illnesses of the uterus or lining

Stress - The main cause of Infertility

According to research conducted in the USA in 2018, around 370 women pointed out stress as the main cause that impacted their fertility. According to a study from Harvard Medical School, women who have difficulties in conceiving experience similar stress, anxiety, or depression levels as people who go through a serious illness like cancer or HIV/AIDS. Stress is directly linked with infertility issues as cortisol, the stress hormone, can interfere with the ovulation process and a lower stress level with a positive mood can increase the odds that improve the chances of conceiving.

Also, yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda solutions are being recommended by most fertility doctors, acupressurists, and natural therapists. Yoga for Fertility can help couples to support fertility more naturally because disciplined yoga practices restore their physical strength and reduce mental stress.

Fertility Yoga Teacher Training - A new Emerging Solutions for Infertility

The above-mentioned statistics show that Fertility yoga teacher training would be emerging as a new skill set for yoga professionals, especially for existing professional yoga trainers. After the fertility yoga teacher training, you would be able to help women and couples who are seeking to become parents. As a fertility yoga teacher, you can provide a supportive environment and strengthen them physically and mentally to enhance their fertile ability.

Yoga India Foundation has an excellent Fertility Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India led by Doctors and Postgraduate Yoga Teachers. The prime focus of the training is to develop as a yoga professional and understand the various postures, breathing, and dietary techniques to naturally conceive. The training would be an additional skills-set for existing yoga teachers (RYT 200 or RYT 500) and healthcare professionals. The yoga fertility teacher training is designed to focus on building up a safe, responsive, caring environment for women and couples and making them feel comfortable physically and emotionally. You will also learn how to guide them along with pregnancy and into motherhood/parenthood.
You can enroll for the fertility yoga teacher training at Yoga India Foundation in Rishikesh India. Limited Seats are available for February, October, November 2024 as well as December 2024.

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