Yoga India Foundation

What Should you Do After Completing Your 200 Hour YTT?

Joining a 200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in India (200 Hour YTT) can be one of the most life-shifting experiences ever. It’s an experience that will leave you with long-lasting benefits. If you completed such a Yoga Alliance registered 200 Hours YTTC, you might ask yourself:

What should I do next?

Whether you want to teach yoga immediately or did the course only for your personal growth, you should stay tuned in with your daily practice. Taking a few day’s rests after such an intense course is good, but you shouldn’t go into a pattern of not practicing yoga daily. Gaining your first teaching experience will be challenging but fun and fulfilling at the same time. Don’t worry if your classes aren’t booked out immediately!

Establishing a unique teaching style and confidence will take some time. A few months after having completed a foundational 200 Hour yoga teacher training in India, you can think of joining an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in India, also known as 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. Such an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in India aims to develop and evolve your teaching skills and confidence. A large focus is put on teaching methodology and practicing how to hands-on adjust your students.

300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training in India will most likely lead you to the next level in your career as an inspiring yoga teacher. You will learn how to divide your attention equally between your students and teach with patience, compassion, and care. During your 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training or Advanced Yoga Teacher Training in India, you will be introduced to advanced practices of meditation, shatkarma, and pranayama as well.

Gaining more knowledge about major and minor subjects of yoga helps you to speak and teach with confidence. Did you know that you will be able to register as RYT 500 with Yoga Alliance after successful course completion? Our 300 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course at Yoga India Foundation will prepare you to become a more joyful and unique yoga teacher while allowing you to teach yoga internationally.

If you haven’t completed a 200 Hours YTTC yet, you can join our 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India. It’s also an Advanced Yoga Teacher Training and requires that you practice yoga for at least two years. Our 500 Hours Yoga Teacher Training combines 200 hour yoga teacher training in India and 300 Hours within two months.

A few more Benefits of Doing a 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga India Foundation:

There is a large focus on audience-based teaching which means that you will learn to teach different level students using correct adjustments, modifications, variations, explanations, and props

  1.  You will be introduced to Kids Yoga, Prenatal Yoga, Diabetics Yoga, Chair Yoga, and Corporate Yoga to expand your knowledge and reach (Which asanas and pranayama techniques are suitable for the above groups? What do you have to know and be aware of?)

  2. During a 300 Hour of Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga India Foundation, you have a minimum of 5 teaching practices which means that you get a lot of teaching practice, personal feedback, and support

  3. With a maximum of 10 students the 300 Hour, YTT provides you with a unique and personalized setting, lots of familiarities, and time to ask questions!

Exciting News from
Yoga India Foundation!

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mit Yoga und Meditation

We are thrilled to share that one of our beloved teachers Bipin Ji—the heart of Yoga India Foundation—has just published his first book! 🎉