Yoga India Foundation

Hanuman Asana – The Monkey God’s Posture

Hanuman Asana – The Monkey God’s Posture

Hanuman Asana is one of the most difficult postures in yoga. It is categorized as an advanced asana that requires patience, continuous practice, and extreme flexibility.

The words Hanuman Asana come from Sanskrit. Hanuman is the name of the Monkey God in India. Asana means posture.

In our weekly asana tutorial, we share the step-by-step instructions and later explain about the benefits and contraindications.

Remember to warm up your body properly before attempting Hanuman Asana.

Place two bolsters on each side next to you.

Step 1:

Sit in Vajrasana. Lift your buttocks up and bring your right foot to the front of the mat. Support your hands next to your front foot.

Step 2:

Push your hips down. Now support your hands/elbows on your bolster right next to you. If you don’t have bolsters, you can use blocks as well.

Step 3:

Walk forward with your right foot. Bring your left foot further behind while supporting your hands /elbows on our bolsters.

Step 4:

In the final position, make sure your legs, calves, and right buttock attach to the mat.

Your hips should face forwards. They should be in one line.

Adjust your hips and look forward.

Step 5:

Raise your arms up and make namaste (pranam mudra) above your head while straightening your spine.



  • Increases the flexibility of your hamstrings, pelvis, hips, and thighs
  • Good to milden sciatica
  • Stretches and strengthens the groin region
  • Stimulates the reproductive system
  • Tones the digestive system
  • Helps to release tension
  • Stretches the back muscles and balances the nervous system


You should avoid this posture if you have any serious hamstring or groin injuries.


Remember that this asana takes time to be mastered completely. Don’t force yourself too much. Practice regularly with good care and warm-up.

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